The Whole Counsel
John Snyder, host of the Behold Your God Study and an elder of Christ Church New Albany, walks us through the realities of the Christian life with an emphasis on experiential Christianity. We love books on our podcast, so we tend to find great help in old books written by church fathers, puritans, and others. John has a plethora of guests to come on the show and share different insights into the books we discuss.
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
10 Years of Beholding God: Richard Owen Roberts, pt 3
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Of all the men who contributed to Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically, Mr. Richard Owen Roberts was the one who had the most influence. This was not because he was directly involved with the writing, or production of the study. It was because of his influence on Dr. John Snyder early in his life and ministry.
Mr. Roberts has been a close friend and mentor of John Snyder for decades and that is why John desired to have Mr. Roberts contribute to the study. We pray you will also be blessed by this third installment of his interview. There is one more segment of his interview left. We will release it before the end of the year.
See the full study here:
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Thursday Jul 27, 2023
10 Years of Beholding God: Conrad Mbewe, pt 2
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
It has been 10 years since we released our first study, Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically. During the production of the study, each man was chosen by Dr. John Snyder to contribute to interview sections that conclude each video session. Of all the men chosen, Conrad Mbewe was the only one Dr. Snyder had not met previously.
But we are glad Conrad was included in the study. His unique perspective and insight has proven invaluable over the years. We pray seeing his full answers to the questions we posed to him will be beneficial to you.
See the full study here:
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Thursday Jul 20, 2023
10 Years of Beholding God: Paul Washer, pt 2
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
10 years ago we released our first large study, Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically. In that study, we interviewed men such as Paul Washer, Conrad Mbewe, Andrew Davies, and more. With any project of this size, a great deal of interview material is left out due to time constraints. We wanted to take a few podcast episodes and let you see their complete answers to our questions.
This week we are showing part 2 of Paul Washer’s interview. In it, we ask him about personal holiness, idolatry in churches, and more. We pray it is a blessing to you.
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Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Following the Follower X: A Life Worth Commending
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
This week we conclude our series on 2 Corinthians 2:12-6:10. As we have mentioned before, this passage is the longest autobiographical writing we have of Paul. He concludes this small autobiography by commending himself to the Christians of Corinth. Why?
One simple answer is from the context. Paul was under attack from enemies of Christ who had infiltrated the church. His defense was not focused on himself but on Jesus Christ and the gospel. False teachers had their aim on Paul, but their target was the gospel. Paul uses the opportunity to showcase and call the Corinthian Christians, and us as well, to pursue lives of holiness no matter the cost, the hardship, or the apparent defeats. Paul entrusted himself to Christ and became the example to us that we can entrust our lives to this worthy King as well.
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Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Following the Follower IX: A Proper Ambition
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Moving along in our series, we come to 2 Corinthians 5. In this passage, Paul describes the thoughts and ambitions that fill his soul.
We often think of ambition as a negative thing, and it easily can be if it is motivated by self. But there is a holy ambition the Christian should strive for. In this week’s episode, John Snyder and Chuck Baggett discuss what this proper ambition is and how to pursue it.
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Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Following the Follower VIII: Treasure in Jars of Clay
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
In 2 Corinthians 4, Paul presents several parallels in the his life: Afflicted, but not crushed; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.
Today, John Snyder is once again joined in the studio by Chuck Baggett as they pick up with 2 Corinthians 4:7 to explore the topic of how these parallels are applicable to every Christian.
Modern Christians may not be called to suffer in the same ways Paul did, but God still intends to use our weakness as an indisputable billboard for His power.
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Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Following the Follower VII: Two Key Temptations to Battle
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
The Christian has been entrusted with the most important message in the history of mankind: How can man be made right with God? This question has one answer and it is a person: Jesus Christ. But Christian face a world that hates the question and the answer. Because of this reality there is constant temptation to soften the question, alter the answer, or adulterate the message in some form.
The book of 2 Corinthians is a wonderful help in this temptation because we get a glimpse into the mind of Paul who was constantly faced with this temptation amid indescribable trials. Much of his trouble would disappear if he only compromised a little. But through the grace of the Holy Spirit, he refused and remained faithful. It is that faithful we get to read about in the passage we have been walking through the last several weeks.
In this week’s episode, John Snyder is by himself because Chuck Baggett is on vacation. But John focuses on two fronts we can find temptation. The first front is when we present the gospel over and over to a loved one only to see them reject Jesus again and again. We can despair and listen to the lie of the enemy that there is no hope in this battle.
The second temptation deals with our own weaknesses. We can see the trials we face, our perceived defeats, and feel there is no hope for us.
But the glorious reality is that God is sufficient enough, the gospel is sufficient enough to change the lives of those around us and sustain us even in our weakest moments. We pray this week’s episode is an encouraging balm to your soul.
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Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Following the Follower VI: How to Handle Losing Heart
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
We’ve all experienced dark nights of the soul. We know what it feels like to swim in the waters and despair and want to give up on evangelizing a child, leading a ministry, or even progressing in the Christian life. Paul was no stranger to this reality.
So what do we do when we feel the sense of losing heart creeping upon us? We can take the same path Paul took in holding firm to the glorious descriptions of Jesus found in Scripture. We realize that our lives are lived out before two audiences. First, we live in front of God our Father and Sustainer. Second, our lives are lived in front of the people around us.
Chuck Baggett and John Snyder focus on 2 Corinthians 4 in this week’s episode and seek to show how God helps His children who are despairing in all situations.
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Watch the episode here:
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Augustine’s Confessions | Navigating the Classics
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Study the God who gripped Augustine’s soul so completely:
Augustine is one of the most prolific writers of early Christianity. He is considered one of the most non-canonical theologians in history. His writings and theology are still creating ripples today.
In this episode of Navigating the Classics, Dr. John Snyder and his son Andrew Snyder, walk through Augustine’s seminal work, Confessions. Andrew first read the book in high school, but he has recently read through it as part of his seminary coursework. John has read and been a fan of the book for years.
But for many Christians, Confessions is intimidating. It is long, sometimes dry, and can be easily confusing. Our aim in this prolonged discussion is to remove the mystique surrounding the book and make it as approachable as possible. Our prayer is that this episode will encourage you to check the book out for yourself for the first time or read it again with better preparation.
Our recommended translations:
Physical Book:
Audio Book:
Ebook (free):
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Following the Follower V: Key Lessons from Paul’s Example
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Podcasts are a wonderful vehicle to convey ideas and information. But they are not perfect. Due to the limited time frame of our podcasts, we have a tendency to hit the highlights of a Scriptural passage, book, or idea and then move on. Because of this reality, we wanted to take one episode to reemphasize some key truths before we continue moving forward in our study of 2 Corinthians.
The first truth we want to emphasize is that Christ is spread from life to life, not library to library or even podcast to podcast. It takes us living the life of holiness before those God brings into our paths. Our lives must affirm and confirm that gospel truths we speak of Scripture.
Another truth we want to reemphasize and focus on is that we must look to the boasts of Christ when life become difficult. When the storms of life roll in, when the waves of despair begin crashing against us again and again, we can easily lose hope. Paul was tempted to despair, just as we are. But it was the glories of Christ that sustained Him. He refused to back down from the Holy Spirit’s boasts of Jesus and he daily chose to walk forward as though they are true. We must walk this same path.
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